It seems, over the last few years that the phrase “live your best life” has become somewhat of a trend, for “do whatever you want if it makes you happy”. While this isn’t a bad sentiment, we all know we sometimes have to do things we don’t particularly enjoy. However, if you really step back and think about what you would feel like and what your world would look like if you were truly “living your best life”, I’m sure it wouldn’t include raking up credit card debt, gaining access weight, or binge watching Netflix (we’ve had enough of that in 2020, don’t you think?). The trick is, creating a world where you already FEEL the way you would “living your best life”. Want less stress? Want more time with those you love? Follow these six tips to get you started.
1. Wake up at a reasonable hour. Now, I’m not saying your can’t have the occasional sleep in. I’m not saying you need to wake up at 4am to live your best life. I’m saying by getting up and going at a reasonable time, you can accomplish those things on your to do list so much more easily because you simply have more of what everyone craves- time. Long night up with a little one? Try to be consistent with your sleep. Sleep in a bit so you can get whatever your average is. Ask for help if needed
2. Do something for you. Seriously. Do it. I had been chronically not good at this over the years, I was constantly doing for everyone else, except myself. Whether it's reading, getting outside, writing, alone time, meditation, going for a run or a walk, do it for nobody but you. Fill your cup, so that you can then pour into those that need you. When we don't do something for just ourselves we end up stressed out, feel underappreciated, and then become miserable and snap at those we love the most. If you love reading, you can grab my free mama mindset reading guide here.
3. Move your body. Whether it’s chasing the kids, going for a walk, a yoga class, running, it matters very little on HOW you move your body. Just do it. Moving my body instantly lifts my mood and makes me a better human being (your partner and kids will thank you for it).
4. Slow down. Seriously. Does everything on your “to do” list HAVE to get dome today? Guilt is based on an unmet expectation we have set for ourselves. We tend to try to cram too much into our days and that leads to overwhelm and feelings of failure when, our expectations were unreasonable to begin with.
5. Plan. The age old line “if you fail to plan then you plan to fail”. When you have a plan, it breaks down your goals, your day, into smaller bite sized chunks. When we break things down in this way, it seriously helps us avoid feelings of overwhelm by giving us a sense of accomplishment along the way.
6. Celebrate. Celebrate everything. Even in a small way. Kept the tiny humans alive? Good for you! Got the kids to bed on time? Good for you! Seriously, if we track all the things we DID accomplish, it is much easier to not get down about the things we didn’t.
1. Wake up at a reasonable hour. Now, I’m not saying your can’t have the occasional sleep in. I’m not saying you need to wake up at 4am to live your best life. I’m saying by getting up and going at a reasonable time, you can accomplish those things on your to do list so much more easily because you simply have more of what everyone craves- time. Long night up with a little one? Try to be consistent with your sleep. Sleep in a bit so you can get whatever your average is. Ask for help if needed
2. Do something for you. Seriously. Do it. I had been chronically not good at this over the years, I was constantly doing for everyone else, except myself. Whether it's reading, getting outside, writing, alone time, meditation, going for a run or a walk, do it for nobody but you. Fill your cup, so that you can then pour into those that need you. When we don't do something for just ourselves we end up stressed out, feel underappreciated, and then become miserable and snap at those we love the most. If you love reading, you can grab my free mama mindset reading guide here.
3. Move your body. Whether it’s chasing the kids, going for a walk, a yoga class, running, it matters very little on HOW you move your body. Just do it. Moving my body instantly lifts my mood and makes me a better human being (your partner and kids will thank you for it).
4. Slow down. Seriously. Does everything on your “to do” list HAVE to get dome today? Guilt is based on an unmet expectation we have set for ourselves. We tend to try to cram too much into our days and that leads to overwhelm and feelings of failure when, our expectations were unreasonable to begin with.
5. Plan. The age old line “if you fail to plan then you plan to fail”. When you have a plan, it breaks down your goals, your day, into smaller bite sized chunks. When we break things down in this way, it seriously helps us avoid feelings of overwhelm by giving us a sense of accomplishment along the way.
6. Celebrate. Celebrate everything. Even in a small way. Kept the tiny humans alive? Good for you! Got the kids to bed on time? Good for you! Seriously, if we track all the things we DID accomplish, it is much easier to not get down about the things we didn’t.
Once you start truly taking yourself seriously, and realize that the only way you can take care of your family is by taking care of you, your can't unsee it. Life improves. Mood improves. Stress decreases. That perpetual "mom guilt" and overwhelm lessen, and you're able to be fully present for those that need you the most.
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